Heo Sang-Wook

Buncheong Round Lidded Box

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These exquisite works were crafted by Korean ceramic master artist Heo Sang-Wook.

Brushstrokes in off-white clay are the only decoration on the minimalist form; this is the centuries-old Korean ceramic technique called guiyal which was later adopted in Japan where it came to be called hakeme.

The inside of the box and its lid have a clear glaze without the slip, showing the darker clay of which the vessel is shaped. 

  • Artist:  Heo Sang-Wook
  • Medium:  Buncheong Ware
  • Dimensions:  6.8cm w x 7.6cm h
  • Weight:  220gm
  • Origin:  Yang-Pyeong, South Korea
The distinctive texture of Buncheong Ware is uniquely Korean in origin. A dark clay body is covered by a layer of liquid white clay, known as the 'slip'. The slip may be applied by brush, by pouring over or by dipping the vessel, and the drips and brush marks show in the final work;  this is the unique charm of Buncheong Ware.

Heo Sang-Wook is a master of the centuries-old art form, upholding the original spirit while refining traditional techniques with his own artistic sense. His work is exhibited internationally and is in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

Find out more about Buncheong Ware and other types of Korean ceramics here

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  • Each piece is a hand-crafted, one-off work which may have imperfections & variations from the exact colours, finishes and dimensions shown here
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